Verity 🧪 bridges the “real world” and blockchain, securing data pipelines with transparency and verifiable data lineage. Data lineage tracks the flow of data from its source through transformations to its destination, ensuring trust at every step.

With Verity, sovereign blockchains and data-driven protocols can verify:

  1. Data Authenticity: Guarantee data originates from trusted entities.
  2. Data Integrity: Embed tamper-resistance to prevent unauthorised manipulation or inclusion of bad data.
  3. Data Transformation: Facilitate trust-minimised transitions of data for compatibility with destination systems.

By leveraging cryptography, Verity shifts trust from operators of data pipelines to the code and data sources themselves, eliminating reliance on operators for trustworthy outcomes.

To explore the “why” behind Verity, read Why Verity?.

A zkTLS-Driven Protocol

Verity implements a zkTLS protocol, combining Zero-Knowledge (ZK) and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) cryptographic primitives. It operates as a decentralised network, with a Prover Node at its core, orchestrated via a developer-centric framework.

The goal is to enable developers to create data pipelines that produce cryptographic Data Flow Proofs (DFPs) — cryptographically verifiable Proofs of Data Flow.

What is zkTLS?

“zkTLS” (or “MPC-TLS”) cryptographically proves data authenticity for TLS-enabled sources (e.g., APIs). It ensures the data is tamper-resistant and accurately represents the source.

Beyond Cryptographic Primitives

Verity extends zkTLS concepts, covering the entire data journey from source to destination. Conceptually, it operates like a zkRollup for TLS attestations and private data, producing verifiable DFPs.

Data Flow Proofs (DFPs) encapsulate the entire pipeline:

  1. Sourcing data from trusted third-party APIs.
  2. Combining third-party data with private first-party inputs.
  3. Processing and aggregating data securely.
  4. Generating verifiable outputs for downstream systems.

This paradigm maximises user trust in outcomes while mitigating risks inherent in sourcing and processing “real-world” data. Verity supports sensitive, niche, or custom data across systems and APIs outside blockchains.

By offering verifiable and privacy-preserving transparency, Verity ensures developers can privately authenticate on-chain outcomes dependent on off-chain data lineage.