Modules Overview


  • Purpose: The Verity Verifier canister is responsible for verifying TLS proofs, performing pre-computations for the ZK VDPE, and producing proofs of computation for external verification.
  • Usage:
    • Verification: Verifies TLS proofs via inter-canister calls or external system updates.
    • Pre-computation: Prepares computations for the ZK VDPE.
    • Proof Production: Generates proofs for verification in systems like a zkVM.
    • Security Protocol: Orchestrates a protocol to ensure the security and integrity of Verity Notary network nodes.


  • Purpose: A Rust SDK for interfacing with a Verity Prover.
  • Usage: Used in the host application to generate TLS attestations and interact with the Verity Prover.
    • Code Reference:

      use verity_client::client::{VerityClient, VerityClientConfig};
      use verity_verify_remote::{
          ic::{Verifier, DEFAULT_IC_GATEWAY_LOCAL},
      use verity_verify_tls::verify_proof;
      // use verity_dp_zk_host::generate_groth16_proof;
      pub const DEFAULT_PROVER_URL: &str = "";
      pub const DEFAULT_VERITY_VERIFIER_ID: &str = "bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai";
      /// The input parameters for the zk_circuit
      /// Contains the details needed for proof verification
      #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
      pub struct ZkInputParam {
          /// Session header information
          pub tls_proof: String,
          /// Proof of substrings
          pub remote_verifier_proof: String,
          /// Remote verifier's ECDSA public key
          pub remote_verifier_public_key: String,
      #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
      pub struct RemoteVerificationProof {
          pub results: Vec<String>,
          pub root: String,
          pub signature: String,
      async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
          env::set_var("RISC0_DEV_MODE", "1"); // Included to ensure the zkVM prover is fast for demo purposes.
          // Initialize tracing. In order to view logs, run `RUST_LOG=info cargo run`
          // Entry point of the program
          println!("Hello Verity zkTLS Demo!");
          // -------------------- // THE PLAN // ------------------------
          // Generate a TLS attestation using Verity Client
          // Pepare the TLS proof for the guest
          // Call the zkVM guest for zkSNARK
          // Verify the SNARK
          // -------------------- // THE PLAN // ------------------------
          println!("Proving a GET request using VerityClient...");
          let config = VerityClientConfig {
              prover_url: String::from(DEFAULT_PROVER_URL),
          let client = VerityClient::new(config);


  • Purpose: Sends TLS proofs/attestations to the IC for partial or full verification.
  • Usage:
    • Partial Verification: Used when leveraging the zkVM to maintain high performance by partially verifying proofs.

    • Full Verification: Used when the data processed is public.

    • Code Reference:

      let rv_identity_path = "fixtures/identity.pem";
      let rv_id = DEFAULT_VERITY_VERIFIER_ID.to_string();
      let rv_config = Config::new(
      // 2. Create verifier from a config file
      let remote_verifier = Verifier::from_config(&rv_config).await.unwrap();
      // 3. Extract our the public/private sub-proofs
      let proof_value: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&response.proof).unwrap();
      let session = proof_value["session"].to_string();
      // 4. Verify a proof and get the response
      let verified_by_remote = remote_verifier
              // You can verify multiple proofs at once
      // Assuming `verified_by_remote` is of type `VerifierResponse` and has a field `results`
      // which is a vector of some type that has a method `get_content()`.
      let leaves: Vec<String> = verified_by_remote
          .map(|proof_response| proof_response.get_content())


  • Purpose: Performs TLS proof verification by combining remote proof of computation verification with private facets of the TLS proof.
  • Usage: Primarily used in the zkVM guest environment to verify TLS proofs.
    • Code Reference:

      use verity_verify_local::{self, ecdsa::validate_ecdsa_signature, merkle::validate_merkle_tree};
      use verity_verify_tls::verify_proof;
      /// The input parameters for the zk_circuit
      /// Contains the details needed for proof verification
      #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
      pub struct ZkInputParam {
          /// Session header information
          pub tls_proof: String,
          /// Proof of substrings
          pub remote_verifier_proof: String,
          /// Remote verifier's ECDSA public key
          pub remote_verifier_public_key: String,
      #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
      pub struct RemoteVerificationProof {
          pub results: Vec<String>,
          pub root: String,
          pub signature: String,
      fn main() {
          // Read the input data for this application.
          let input_bytes: Vec<u8> = env::read();
          let params: String = String::from_utf8(input_bytes).unwrap();
          let params: ZkInputParam = serde_json::from_str(params.as_str()).unwrap();
          // Verify the Tls proof -- partially.
          let (recv, sent) = verify_proof(&params.tls_proof).unwrap();
          // Verify the remote verifier's verification of the other part.
          let remote_verification_proof: RemoteVerificationProof =
          // Verify the signature and the Merkle tree root
          let root_hash = &remote_verification_proof.root;
          let is_signature_valid = validate_ecdsa_signature(
          let is_merkle_valid = validate_merkle_tree(&remote_verification_proof.results, root_hash);
          // Return the verification result
          assert!(is_signature_valid && is_merkle_valid);
          // write public output to the journal


  • Purpose: Abstracts the verification of TLS proofs produced by the Verity Network.
  • Usage: Utilised in both the host and guest environments to verify TLS proofs.
    • Code Reference:
      // Totally optional to verify proof on host too.
      // For the sake of this demo, we'll verify the proof on the host to ensure both the zkVM and host agree to the verification.
      let verified_by_host: (String, String) =
          verify_proof(&response.proof, &notary_pub_key).unwrap();


  • Purpose: Provides utilities and tests supporting zkVM usage.
  • Usage: Supports the zkVM environment by providing necessary utilities for proof generation and verification.


The Verity DP framework provides a comprehensive set of modules that facilitate the generation and verification of zkTLS proofs. Each module plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and privacy of data processed within the Verity platform.